Building with Care:

A review of ‘Art Criticism and the Pandemic’




Art, Disability, Care Ethincs, Paul Mellon Centre, British Art, Pandemic, Austerity, Body, BLM, Wellcome, Health, Exhibition, George Floyd, COVID-19, Healing, Interdependency, Eyad Al-Hallaq, Disability Justice, Neo Sinoxolo Musangi, David Dibosa, Khairani Barokka, María Puig de la Bellacasa, Barbara Rodrigues Muñoz, Tabita Rezaire, cripestimology, Crip, Sanctuary


The two-day event had a very well thought-out line-up of ten speakers who ranged from art historians, art critics, curators to practicing artists, like David Dibosa (art historian/ critic), Juliet Jacques (writer/journalist), Khairani Barokka (artist), Bárbara Rodríguez Muñoz (curator), Rehana Zaman (artist), Neo Sinoxolo Musangi (artist), Larne Abse-Gogarty (art history), Marina Vishmidt (writer, editor, critic), Robert McRuer (disability scholar), and Jade Montserrat (artist/ writer). However, this review will not touch upon all the content but only those issues will be highlighted that in some way or other are relevant to disability research and activism. Furthermore, the presentation by Barokka has been reproduced in full in the Provocations section of his journal (see pp. 68-70).

Author Biography

Bhattacharya, Tanmoy, University of Delhi

Department of Linguistics


Two-Day webinar titled ‘Art Criticism and the Pandemic’ jointly organised by The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art and Chris McCormack, Associate Editor of Art Monthly, one of UK’s leading magazines of contemporary visual art, held 9-10 July 2020.




How to Cite

Bhattacharya, T. (2021) “Building with Care: : A review of ‘Art Criticism and the Pandemic’”, Indian Journal of Critical Disability Studies. Delhi, India, 1(1), pp. 116–120. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13551338.