
Call for Papers

We invite previously unpublished original research papers and reviews by March 31st and August 30th for the the forthcoming issues of InJCDS to be published on-line in  January/ February respectively and July/ August, every year.

InJCDS focusses on bringing forth original research on disability issues that emerge from examining both the political and the personal aspects of individuals, collectives, and the systemic. InJCDS is interested in arguments against or in favour of the idea that both the universal and the specific are essential. InJCDS is especially keen on research highlighting the unavoidable intersectional dimensions of class, gender, caste, hemisphere (with a focus on south Asia), and technology in relation to disability. We encourage constant questioning of binaries, of categories, of foundational positions of others and ours. 

We especially encourage articles with a focus on disability issues as they pertain to the global South that ensures multiple voices emerging at the global. 

Use the submission process to submit your manuscript.