Disability studies and human encounters


  • Goodley University of Sheffield


Disability, Human, Critical Disability Studies, Blind, Oliver, Stories, Canada, Britain


What does it mean to be human in 2020? How might disability help us answer this question? What knowledge is already out there – from scholarly studies of disability and the global politics of the disabled people’s movement – that we might draw upon to think again what it means to be human? And if one element of humanity is our desire to relate to and with one another, how might we extend our human relationships in these difficult geo-political times? Might we foreground disability as the driving subject in conceptualising and practicing our mutual engagements with one another during the current pandemic? These are just some of the questions we are trying to address in our interdisciplinary research centre dedicated to the study of the human at the University of Sheffield; iHuman. And these are questions that I will seek to tackle through this brief exposition of disability studies.

Author Biography

Goodley, University of Sheffield

Professor Disability Studies and Education Co-director of the research institute iHuman 


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How to Cite

Goodley, D. (2021) “Disability studies and human encounters”, Indian Journal of Critical Disability Studies. Delhi, India, 1(1), pp. 12–21. vailable at: https://jcdsi.org/index.php/injcds/article/view/45 (ccessed: 19 March 2025).